If you are having any technical issues with entering your order on the site, please try accessing the site using a different internet browser such as Chrome before contacting SSC
This ordering portal is only to be used by government employees who have the authority from their organization to order the goods and services available on the portal (procurement authorities and other groups). Accounts and orders will be closely monitored.
To use our website, you must first register with us below. Upon registration, you will have full access to our website. After you've registered, you may simply use our "Quick Login" for your return visits.
If you are using your delegation to submit call-ups to the vendor, please ensure your call-up includes the following MANDATORY information:
- The ITPro/SSC Order number;
- The Standing Offer Number;
- The Standing Offer Device model name;
If a Purchase:
- the Purchase price;
If a Lease:
- The lease commitment period and Firm Monthly Rates (FMR) for the associated commitment period for the print device;
- The estimated monthly print, copy volumes and Cost-per-image (CPI) rate and associated funding;
- The delivery and installation address of the device and location where Maintenance Services are to be performed; and
- Any features and Add-On items and the FMR or purchase price and part numbers
A SRCL and the appropriate security clauses, as required.
- These requirements must fall within the prime SRCL and must not exceed those security requirements or else a separate standalone contract and SRCL would be required outside of the NMSO to be submitted as a Technical Exception.
- Call-ups with security requirements must be sent to CSP at [email protected]
* Failure to include any of this information may result delayed delivery.*
For printers and scanners purchased from the NMSO catalog, the delegation threshold is $100,000 (including taxes and environmental fees).
This Delegation was done at the Ministerial level; therefore individual purchasing units will have to wait until they receive approval from their procurement managers before signing off on call-ups on their own. If you have not yet received this approval, I would recommend contacting your supervisor to see if they have heard that Delegation is coming. Until then, call-ups should continue being sent to SSC.
Training is being offered on an ongoing bases for how to order Printing Products and the new NMSO. Please contract
WTDPrintingProducts / ProduitsImpressionATMT (SSC/SPC) for information about when the next round of training is.